BRYANT McKINNIE: He is an Unrestricted Free Agent. People have credited him with making the OL better in the playoff run, and have been critical of Harbaugh for keeping him in the "Dog House" for the regular season. There are those that believe that had he been allowed to play, the team would have won more games and perhaps hosted the Playoffs. I have not been a McKinnie fan, since my perception is of someone with talent who does not always play for real. I have seen a player that the Vikings decided to dump because they were fed up with him, and who took a Roster Bonus on the promise that he would put forth an effort and be in shape. He then does not show up, has his doctor call in for him, and then shows up out of shape. 

The Ravens have to make a decision about him. Are you comfortable signing someone who may or may not show up to play? Are you sure that you will get 100% effort if you pay him a big salary? And are the Ravens willing (or able) to cough up the kind of money that Bryant wants?  I do not have the inside information to know if he is changed, or if he has the desire to Play Like A Raven for 16 regular season games and for the entire postseason. I suggest you read this link for some other information:

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