Ravens Roost 115

Meeting Minutes, July 24, 2013


Meeting Minutes

The July meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Wednesday July 24, 2013, at Paradiso.  The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:00pm by President Scott Albright.  George led the Roost in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a “Go Ravens”.   A roll call of Officers and Board Members was conducted. Present were Officers:  President-Scott Albright, Vice President Steve Rutzebeck,  Treasurer – Kim Harris, Recording Secretary-Judi Carter, Corresponding Secretary – Tammy Brooks, Sergeant at Arms- George Colburn.  Board of Directors present were:  Dawn Geigan, Lori Blake and Steve Timchula.  Missing:  Mike McGinnis, and Bobbi Koppenhaver.


President’s Report:

There will be a Blood Drive at 5507 Selma Ave, Halethorpe, MD  21227 on August 24, 2013 in honor of Sharon McCain.  Call 1-800-733-2767 or go on line to www.redcrossblood.org (use sponsor code 05314661)  The Council of Colts Corrals is having a dinner on October 27, 2013 from 1-6pm at Michael’s 8th Avenue.  Cost of $40.  Training camp has begun.  We have asked that the council donate $1,000 to Food Sunday.  Bill West has a new radio show on 99.1 on FM.  He still has his am show.  There is a new president at the Maryland Special Olympics, we will be working with them for the Polar Bear Plunge.  To remain a non-profit we must keep 30% of our income from outside sales. 


Treasurer’s Report:

Kim gave the Treasurer’s report we have $10,823 in the account.  Golf proceeds are around $6,485.  We voted and all were in favor of utilizing proceeds from the golf outing as follows:

$300 to Pathfinders for Autism; $500 to Baltimore Saints Hockey Program; and $2,500 to Team Purple in honor of Dawn. 




Welcome new members John & Dianne Morrissey and Paul and Ellen Hucheber.

Entertainment/Events – 

To find out what is going on click on the Calendar on the Roost website, for fliers regarding events go to the Events tab.

Crab Feast, August 10:  At the VFW, 6:00pm-10:00 p.m.  We need volunteers, please contact Kim Harris at kimmieh1204@gmail.com or Lori Blake at lblake6675@yahoo.com.  We are having a 50/50, Several nice door prizes and 2 autographed items.  For tickets to the crab feast contact Kim Harris at the above email address. 

Pig Roast 9/14 – We may have 2 entertainers this year.  More details to come.

Roost 50 Golf Tournament 9/14 – this is the same day as our Pig Roast.  We are looking for a foursome. Scott and Cork will put a foursome together. 

Culinary Experience October 14 – This is an event for the Rape Crisis Center.  Tickets are $60/person.

Team Purple – October 27:  9:00 a.m. at the old Memorial Stadium.  The Roost motioned and passed to donate $2,500 to Team Purple in Dawn ‘s name.  For $35 you too can be a member of Team Purple.

Banners at the High Schools – Logo Banner at Westminster High School Stadium for the school year.  You get a 2 x 3 ft banner at a cost of $500 to benefit the athletic boosters.  May look into Winters Mill stadium as well.

Away Games at Rafaels – We are planning on continuing the away games at Rafaels with everyone brining a non-perishable food item to benefit Food Sunday. 

Jeff Gibbons won the 50/50 for $70.

Next Meeting:

Our next meeting will be held on August 28, 2013, 6:00 p.m., at J & P Pizza located at 480 Meadow Creek Drive in Westminster (in the shopping center across from Safeway and behind Walgreens). We will have a private room for our meeting. 

Respectfully Submitted by Judi Carter, Secretary, Ravens Roost #115.

Get all the latest information at www.ravensroost115.com (now you can get a mobile version) and on Facebook.