Ravens Roost 115 Westminster, MD




Couples who are renewing, please include both names.  Then select Couple's Renewals on the Drop Down Window.

We hope to see YOU in 2015!  Please note that there are now participation choices listed for 2015.  We would love to see ALL Roost Members come out and join us this year for one or more events.  Our 4 largest events are listed.  If would kindly select one (or more) events to participate in, that would be great!  If you are unable to participate in one of these 4 events, making a cash donation, or donation of other sort, would be greatly appreciated.  It takes ALL of us to be a successful Ravens Roost and we THANK YOU for participating in whatever way you are able to contribute.   THANKS TO EVERYONE and we look forward to doing more fun things in 2015 along with raising money for our local charities.

***Note - The online option for renewing dues will be removed on November 1st.***

Has your email address, address, phone number or name been changed?  If so, please email us with your changes.  Also, if we do not have your birthday on the calendar and you would like to include it, please let us know.               Please email any updates to the Membership Committee and Website Administrator.

RENEWING MEMBERS ONLY - September Membership Renewal
RR115 2015 Participation Selection - PLEASE CHOOSE ONE
Additional Participation Selection - if desired
Your Name (or Couple's) Names
Other Donation or Service