Ravens Roost 115
Meeting Minutes, January 25th, 2012
Meeting Minutes
The January meeting of Ravens Roost 115 was held on Wednesday, January 25th, 2012, at Rafael’s Restaurant. The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:30 by Sergeant at Arms, George Colburn. George led the Roost in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a “Go Ravens”. A roll call of Officers and Board Members was conducted. Present were Officers: President, Scott Albright, Treasurer, Tina Thomas, Secretary, Lori Blake, Sergeant at Arms, George Colburn. Board of Directors, present were Dawn Geigan, Steve Rutzebeck, Tony DeLeonardo. Missing were Vice President, Chris Frantz, Board of Directors, Chad Tracey, and Raul Eusantos.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer, Tina Thomas reported the Roost balance to be $4,495.55. The available balance is $995.55 as we have to keep $3500 in our account at all times in order to meet the bank requirements of our account. Roost member Tom Long who works at New Windsor Bank performed a year end review of our books. He noted that all records were in order and the books were in good standing. Tina suggested that we look at changing banks. Our current bank is electronically challenged and we can’t access the information that we need online. Tina will explore options and provide a recommendation to the Officers and BOD. We want to be sure to keep our banking local. Tina also reported that the Roost gave $3,625 in charitable contributes during 2011.
President’s Report:
Scott Albright attended the Baltimore Council meeting on January 20th. He reported that the majority of the meeting was spent talking about holiday stuff and the Polar Bear Plunge.
Committee Reports:
Charity Committee:
Deb Goff presented information about a possible Heart of Westminster Legacy Fund. Deb read the letter that was sent to the Ravens organization and noted that they are considering our request. This would be an awesome thing for the Roost. Deb will keep us updated as things progress.
Entertainment/Events –
Mike McGinnis discussed the details for the Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, January 28th. Approximately 16 people committed to riding the bus. The bus will pick up at Target in Westminster at 10 a.m. and return by 3:00 p.m. All members riding the bus were told to be there by 9:30 a.m.
We have 40 people attending the upcoming Council Bull Roast on February 18th. We will be taking a bus to the event.
Bonni Klein gave a brief report on our upcoming second annual Ravens Roost 115 Golf Outing which will take place on Friday, May 18th at the Links At Gettysburg with a 2:00 p.m. shot gun start. Pricing will be $80 per person before May 1st and $85 per person after May 1st. This includes golf, dinner and beer. Rick Klein will be the contact person. Bonni asked that members help to get hole sponsors. Hole sponsors are $100 and each sponsor will have signage. The goal is to get back all sponsors from last year since we already have the signs made so this will be all profit.
Dawn Geigan made a motion that we pro-rate member dues beginning in January so that all members will renew in September. The motion was accepted. This will make it easier for the membership committee. The pro-rated membership fees are now listed on our website. Dawn also noted that we can now accept credit card payments. We have the ability to take credit card payments for membership and events. Both Tina and Dawn have the credit card device on their phone for transactions. This will be very beneficial when we have new members ready to sign up who want to pay by credit card. Dawn also mentioned that she has several applications for Ravens Council license plates. If you are seriously interested, please contact Dawn to obtain an application.
Welcome to new Members: Kim Harris and Barry and Tammy Andrews.
We will be looking to revise our Roost bylaws in the near future. There are several items that need to be updated. We will notify members of all bylaw changes.
Nothing new to report.
New business:
Kirk McEwen from WBAL radio attended our meeting and is now an Honorary Member of the Roost. Kirk noted that he was very impressed with the great things our Roost is doing. He also mentioned an upcoming opportunity to promote the Roost on the radio on Wednesday, January 31st at 10:00 p.m. He will be talking with former Ravens players and will allow some time for a member/s of our Roost to talk about the good things we are doing.
Scott noted that we have Roost business cards for members to give out. This is a great way to attract new members to the Roost. He also noted that we joined the Carroll County Chamber of Commerce. This is another great way for us to promote the Roost and obtain new members.
The 48th annual Roost Council convention will be held in Ocean City from May 31st through June 3rd. We are partnering with Roost 50 this year at Days Inn Boardwalk. Members may call 1-800-926-1122 and tell them you are with Roost 50 (because that is how the rooms are blocked) in order to get the discounted group rates. It’s a great time so plan to attend. More details on the convention will be discussed at our February meeting but book your rooms today.
A 50/50 drawing was held and Kathy Sanner was the winner with $75 going to Kathy and $75 to the Roost.
With no other business, the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 22nd at Maggie’s Restaurant in Westminster at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by Lori Blake, Secretary Ravens Roost #115
Check us out at www.ravensroost115.com and on Facebook
In : Meeting Minutes